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Request an offer

In order to prepare an offer, we would like to ask you to fill in the form below.

Client information

Company name:
Phone no.:
Registry number:

Financial data (for previous year)

Sales revenues, together with other operating revenues and financial revenues (in PLN thousand)
Total assets (in PLN thousand)
Costs of operating activity, together with other operating costs and financial costs (in PLN thousand)
Financial result before tax (in PLN thousand)

Other information (for previous year)

Number of employees:
Number of suppliers and customers:
Expected date of the preparation of the financial statements:
Preferred date of the end of the audit:
Is the entity a multi-unit entity?
(number of units and their locations):
Were the financial statements for the previous year audited?Yes      No


We are your advisor during the performance of our services and afterwards as well. Please contact us in order to use our services. We will meet you at a place and a time convenient for you in order to start our cooperation.


65-840 Zielona Góra
ul. Batorego 16/16
3rd floor


Tel.: +48 502 615 987

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